02.26.2024. 地鎮祭と石場建て


A groundbreaking ceremony was conducted at the Shimanimi site. After paying respects to the local deity of the land, the construction began. It was an opportunity for the client and all related parties to unite their hearts and intentions towards the building and its environment, reminding us of the significance of such rituals.


At the site progressing in Oshima, Imabari, the significance of Ishiba construction (stone foundation building) is truly profound in rethinking the way architecture coexists with nature (coexistence includes our approach to architecture and the environment). The thoughts, values, and respect for the architecture that this building process provides us are distinct from industrial processes. Although it is the result of various considerations, it is a great fortune to have encountered this opportunity, and we are grateful to the wonderful masters who made it possible.


直近のイギリス @woodawards においても日本の伝統工法を採用したThe Roebuck Boathouseが賞を受賞していることを見ると、大スパン木造建築物が躍進を見せる中、人間的な木造建築の価値が国際的にも再評価されている現状が垣間見える。

Looking at the recent Wood Awards in the UK, where The Roebuck Boathouse, employing Japanese traditional construction methods, won an award, it seems that as large-span wooden structures make advances, the value of human-centered wooden architecture is being reevaluated internationally.

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