Y and A Place
「名作家具のように人生を共にし、受け継いでいくキッチンの新たな形」をコンセプトに「家具」としてキッチンをデザインした 。生活環境に合わせてカスタマイズでき移動可能。物が多ければ棚を増設、少なければミニマルに。まさに生活の変化に合わせることができるキッチンである。
プレハブ構造のモルタルカウンターは伝統的な土間の雰囲気を連想させる。また、日々色調が変化する銅のシンク、灰青色の左官、真鍮など、外観は絶えず変化しています。 日本特有の美意識である「侘び寂び」。 「侘び」とはつつましく、質素なものにこそ趣があると感じる心のこと。 一方、「寂び」とは時間の経過によって表れる美しさを指しますが、そういった変化を日々感じることはユーザーの感性に何かを問いかけてくる。棚板には無垢の桜を使用した。作業台であり収納を兼ねるキャビネットは文字通り置き家具であるため、必要であれば移動が可能。
This project is a showcase of how bespoke modern design can be integrated seamlessly into standard Japanese housing. Japanese scrap-and-build culture has left the cities with copycat buildings and mansions equipped with plastic and cheaper alternatives. Private developers offer identical rooms and kitchens to compromise on price.
We reimagined a 30-year-old home and designed a kitchen as “furniture”– adaptable, movable and beautifully ageing together with its owners. Prefabricated timber-structured mortar blocks are used as a counter that resembles traditional doma (entrance in a traditional Japanese house). As well as aged copper sink, gray-blue sakan (Japanese plasterwork) wall and brass details, the concrete surface has natural flaws and its appearance is constantly changing. The house owner can daily observe and experience the beauty of impermanence and imperfection. The centrepiece is a spacious kitchen cabinet made out of cherry wood, iron legs and sturdy Dekton worktop. Unlike usual designs, the placement of a cabinet can be changed as it isn’t attached to the floor and it feels very natural in a space filled with owner’s antique belongings. This flexibility creates endless possibilities for different use and, most importantly, reuse if the house will be rebuilt due to safety reasons.
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