茅ヶ崎FM |コミュニティFM放送局

Kanagawa, Japan

茅ヶ崎市内初のコミュニティFM放送局 茅ヶ崎FM(通称:エボラジ)のスタジオ。茅ヶ崎北口の自然風景、南口に広がる海の街、そして音楽の街というイメージを内外装のコンセプトとしている。






Location: 神奈川県茅ヶ崎市 
Client : 株式会社茅ヶ崎エフエム
Construction : GHL株式会社 | 飯田電気
Building Type: FM放送局
Current status: Completed 


The first community FM radio station in Chigasaki City. Known as "Eboshi Radio Station," it embodies the natural landscapes and musical culture of Chigasaki through its interior and exterior design.

The plaster walls inside the studio are made by sampling the colors of the sea in Chigasaki. The wall on the left side depicts a view of the sea directly, with lighting that resembles moonlight. On the other hand, the wall on the right side depicts a view of the sea from above, and the texture of the plaster is designed to evoke whitecaps on the waves.

 The warm light emanating from the studio after sunset provides a sense of warmness to citizens and visitors. 


Drawings | Development



OFFICE : 神奈川県茅ヶ崎市元町15-11



TEL/FAX : 0467-40-4715 
Mail : info@hirototabata.com
> WEBでのお問い合わせ・資料請求はこちら


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